November 6, 2024, 2:00 p.m. ET
The Elementary Faculty held a full day of conference with administration where they practiced Biblically Integrating academic units, as they prepare for the beginning of the second quarter.
Teachers participated in a Biblical Integration activity where they worked in teams to select a unit of study from the curriculum, identify the objectives, and brainstorm Biblical integration points that matched the themes. Teachers familiarized themselves with some helpful tools such as the Encyclopedia of Biblical Truths and a Biblical artificial intelligence tool that suggests ways to integrate the Bible into any lesson at any grade level.
“Teachers expressed how useful these tools were to them today as they completed the Biblical integration exercises. We talked about the importance of Biblically integrating our lessons and to keep in mind the big picture of the units as we do it,” shared Pastor Claire.
At the end of the period, teachers had small group conferences to address the academic progress of certain students and complete their grading for the quarter.
Earlier in the day, the meeting started with a devotional delivered by Pastor Claire about the story of Martha and Mary from Luke 10 encouraging the teachers to spend time at the feet of Jesus, despite their busy schedules.
“A well known pastor observed that what gives a ministry its motivations, perseverance, humility, joy, tenderness, passion and grace is the devotional life of the one doing ministry,” shared P Claire. “The only thing more important than ministry is being ministered to. Making consistent time for the Word of God and prayer.”
The devotional was followed by a time of sharing and reviewing some school-wide procedures and events in the calendar.