Faculty & Staff Reviews Beginning of the Year Procedures in Grades K-2

September 12, 2024, 10:00 a.m. ET

n Thursday, September 12, 2024, the faculty and staff of Olivet Academy’s grades K through 2nd, held their first bi-monthly meeting of the school year to discuss the beginning of the year procedures and resources.

In the meeting with the administration, the main teachers, Bible teachers, and after-school teachers communicated if each classroom had all the resources they needed, if teachers reviewed safety procedures with their students, administered the beginning of the year assessments, and understood the grading standards for elementary.

Faculty and staff also discussed the after-school program, homework policy, and preparations for the curriculum night on September 26th.

“I learned of various needs that teachers have and I look forward to supporting them. I am grateful the Bible and after-school teachers joined the meeting as well so that we can all understand all the elements that come into play to help us start the year well,” shared the Elementary School director, Pastor Claire Mendoza.

The meeting also facilitated communication between the main teacher and the after-school teacher. The administration will continue the bi-monthly meetings next week with upper elementary teachers. Olivet Academy asks prayers for God’s blessing and protection over the elementary school.

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